Plastic 1 liter water fount for chicks

For day old and young chicks. $8.99 each.


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Plastic 1 litre water fount for quail and bantams

This water fount helps prevent quail and other small birds such as bantams from drowning due to its narrow drinking area. $9.99 each.


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Plastic 4 Litre water fount

Used for chicks and growing birds. $12.95 each.


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Plastic 2.5 Gallon water fount

Used for young and adult birds. $29.95 each.


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Water heater for chicken water buckets and other water containers

Keeps water from freezing - used in Chicken water pails and other water containers. $54.95


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Poultry water nipples

Keeps water clean and prevents water waste. Can be attached to many different water containers such as buckets, bottles and water line. Package of 5 for $9.95


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Poultry water nipples - yellow

Poultry water nipples can be attached to buckets, PVC pipe and other containers and help prevent water waste and contamination. Water only comes out when birds peck at the metal tip.


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Automatic water fount

Attaches to 1/4" high pressure tubing. Multiple water founts can be added to a water line. Saves hours of work and ensures birds have constant supply of fresh water. $15.95


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