Plymouth Rocks - Barred

Developed in the US this popular breed is kept for its looks, hardiness and reliability.

New Hampshire Red

An American breed, the New Hampshire is a good dual-purpose bird; they are a lighter red than the Rhode Island Red.

Rhode Island Red

This American breed is a good egg layer; it looks attractive with its mahogany colored feathering.

Buff Orpington

The Orpington is a beautiful English breed, it is soft feathered and docile. This is a friendly breed and females will go broody.

Speckled Sussex

Developed in England for dual purposes the Sussex is also nicely marked.

Dark Cornish

This breed was developed in England, it is large and powerful looking and kept mainly for exhibition purposes.

Black Jersey Giant

Developed in the US the Jersey Giant is a large bird that grows slowly.


This American breed is very similar looking to the Barred Rock; a quick differentiation between the two is the Dominique’s rose comb compared to the Barred Rock’s single comb.

Naked Neck (Turken)

Developed in Hungary or Germany the Naked Neck looks like a cross between a chicken and a turkey.

Wyandotte - II

This American breed is for those who want a flock that looks nice and also supplies a good number of eggs and is dual purpose.

Plymouth Rocks

Developed in the US this popular breed is kept for its looks, hardiness and reliability.

Blue Australorp

Blue variety of the Australorp breed.

Wyandotte - I

A popular "well rounded" dual purpose breed developed in the US. A very beautifully marked bird. Varieties: Silver Laced, Golden Laced, Buff, Columbian and Partridge.


This American breed is docile and a good dual purpose bird.

Black Australorp

Developed in Australia, this breed is all black with a nice green sheen throughout its plumage.